Yes, I know, it has been a long time since I have updated this. I'd like to give a big THANK YOU to Ryan Denner for keeping on me to update this thing. Before I start into 2008, I'd like to do a quick review of 2007.
Last year, I did 19 races. Breaking this down a little more.....
- 4 Club Races (Sprint Tris)
- 3 Club Aquathlons
- 3 Sprint Tris (1 DNF)
- 2 International/Olympic Tris
- 2 Half Marathons
- 2 Half Ironmans
- 1 Cycling Race
- 1 10K Running Race
- 1 Boot Camp Challenge (5k Obstacle course)
Some highlights from this year include:
- My First DNF - well, not really a highlight, but a good learning experience. I need to practice in big surf and strong current....or.....I need to know when to give up. Most importantly, I learned that DNFing is not the end of the world. Life goes on.
- 2 sub-6 hour half ironmans
- An awesome PR at Carlsbad Half Marathon (1:48:04). I was thrilled!
- My first cycling race.....geez there's some crazy fast women out there. Fun race that KILLED my legs!
- Finishing in 3rd place at the Boot Camp Challenge. I even have my Drill Instructor Trophy on my desk at work!

Total Mileage Put in during 2007:
- Swimming: 198,450 yds = 113 miles (Average 3816 yds/week)
- Biking: 2831.5 Miles (Average 54 miles/week)
- Running: 764 Miles (Average 15 miles/week)
Other than my running, unfortunately, all of my mileage decreased from my 2006 mileage. I'll blame business school! :)
In Store for 2008:
- Carlsbad Half Marathon

- Bulldog Bike Race
- California 70.3
- Ironman Arizona (Nov.)
Those are the definites so far. There will be more to come. I'll probably do a little less racing, and a lot more training in preparation for Arizona. Should be an interesting year!
Stay Tuned.....